The week of Climate Rage will be an opportunity to put forward a radical, anti-oppressive, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist ecology through workshops, demonstrations and other disruptive actions. Climate Rage invites all groups and individuals to organize disruptive actions that directly confront capitalists, the state that serves them and their watchdogs.
Trees crumble under the weight of ice in March, forests burn in May, rivers overflow in July, the air has been unbreathable for weeks, and the only answers governments offer us are to widen the highways and pave over the few remaining green spaces in our cities to allow more containers filled with millions of useless plastic gadgets to trade right up to the doorsteps of the jaded petit bourgeoisie. In the face of cynical inaction and false promises, we must act in the face of the unfolding catastrophe.
That's why we're calling on political, community, student and union organizations to unite in a week of climate rage from September 25 to 29. It's imperative that we use this week as a reminder that we won't be fooled by opportunistic politicians who tell us there's nothing more to be done, or that they'll take matters into their own hands, depending on the mood of the moment. We no longer expect anything from the political class, but it is still possible and necessary to act collectively by fighting against this extractivist, colonial and ecocidal system, which prefers profit to life.
Thirty years after the Rio Summit, it's clear that nothing has really changed. The 15 COP on biodiversity, the 27 COP on climate change and the countless concertation forums manipulated by the capitalists have not moved us forward, but backwards to the edge of the precipice. Peaceful actions, docile parades and negotiation are no longer enough, and it's become inevitable to turn up the heat if we want to see concrete change. Those responsible for this massacre are not abstract entities, they have names and addresses! This system of infinite growth and profitability is responsible for the destruction of our planet. We must leave them no choice. This week of Climate Rage must be a call for a radical change of system, one that is fairer and more respectful of the Earth that feeds us.