Georges-Étienne Cartier Statue (Parc Avenue)
Friday 29 September 2023 - 2:00pm


Trees crumble under the weight of ice in March, forests burn in May, rivers overflow in July, the air has been unbreathable for weeks, and the only answers governments offer us are to widen the highways and pave over the few remaining green spaces in our cities to allow more containers filled with millions of useless plastic gadgets to trade right up to the doorsteps of the jaded petit bourgeoisie. In the face of cynical inaction and false promises, we must act in the face of the unfolding catastrophe.

This wide-ranging demonstration, which will close the week of climate rage from September 25 to 29, will be an opportunity to demonstrate once again the urgency of the climate, but also our collective fed-up in the face of the false solutions offered by capitalists and their governments.

In a spirit of unity in the face of the climate crisis and the need to fight the systems responsible for it, Rage climatique and CRUES are seizing the mandate to organize the big climate march at the end of September, which has been abandoned by the central trade unions and environmental organizations. These two groups are organizing the march alongside a number of others who are bringing anti-capitalism and climate justice to their actions.

Because our climate rage transforms eco-anxiety into eco-rage;

Because our climate rage stands in solidarity with indigenous struggles, we express our anti-colonialism;

Because our climate rage stands in solidarity with migrants and racialized people, we express our anti-racism;

Because our climate rage stands in solidarity with feminist and queer struggles, we express our rejection of the cis-hetero-patriarchal system;

Because our climate rage is in solidarity with the peoples of the Global South who are suffering the consequences of the climate crisis, we demand local and global equity;

Because we're fed up with the false solutions offered by capitalists and their governments;

Because our climate rage is anti-oppressive and anti-capitalist;

We want the abolition of borders, the destruction of systems of racist and cis-hetero-patriarchal oppression, the exit from capitalism and the establishment of post-capitalist systems.

In the face of capitalism, let's unleash our climate rage!