Stationnement incitatif du train de banlieue de McMasterville
Friday 2 February 2024 - 2:00pm

NorthVolt is Great? Green? Think again!

The electric car is simply the continuation of a strategy to preserve economic growth and the interests of the automotive automotive, electrical and mining industries. As we're living through an ecological crisis of devastating potential, we need to collectively rethink our collective ways of getting around, and get rid of our addiction to cars. This means of transport is inegalitarian, has monstrous individual cost, is collectively inefficient, and polluting because of its immense infrastructure it needs  and the production of its components poisons water and territories near and far from the metropolis. At the same time, the government dares to definance the STM! They want us to swallow the next fare increase when Montreal already has the most expensive fare in so-called Canada. The best way to fight GHG emissions is to make public and inter-municipal transit free, expanded and accessible. Not by subsidizing the private sector to build tanks for the rich!

COP15 was useless, let's protect biodiversity ourselves!

Northvolt has already started work with clearing crews as soon as the permit was obtained in the last weeks, under the promised supervision of a biologist to monitor the damage to wildlife of this ecocide. Northvolt's project will destroy 74 wetlands, invaluable treasures for biodiversity and GHG capture. CEO Paolo Cerruti plans to cut down at least 8,000 live trees and 4,000 snags (dead trees where birds nest). At least 8 legally protected endangered species, including the spiny softshell turtle, the least bittern and the little brown bat, are also threatened by the project. The government changed the law just before the project was announced so that the company wouldn't have to go through BAPE, a Quebec program to evaluate how the project is related to existing environmental regulation. This project is done without even the minimal public consultations required while being subsidized with $7 BILLION in public funds! It's as if every "Quebecer" invested $700 in this ecocide and actively supported this private Swedish company. Once again, the private sector receives gifts while public services are at the end of their rope. Aberrant!

Let's block Northvolt before it's too late...

Let's gather festively in the McMasterville train station parking lot on Friday, February 2 at 2 p.m. and go to the front of the site to demonstrate our eco-rage at the environmental hypocrisy of the government and its corporations. A bus tour led by tour guides specialized in ecocide is scheduled for 1 p.m. around UQAM (Berri-UQAM metro station, we'll let you the details via email). Bring your bird costumes! We encourage folks who have access to a car to gather at UQAM if they can share spots in their cars ! Reserve your spot in the bus here!